and need go to macket with mum...
then we go to Yinhoo to buy somethings~
but Yinhoo no open...>_<
what the....go to there 2 time also no open~~>_<
alas~~so go back home lo~
after 2++pm go to haircut with muii and mum~~^^
then when i was in haircut...>_<
I very shy+disgrace....>_<"and a bit stupid...
coz I wanted scissors hairstyle...
the hairdresser say my hair can't scissors that hairstyle...>_<
but she also have help me scissors I wanted hairstyle~^^
and she has given me a lot of methods and advise how to get that hairstyle~
she help me perm hair to fixed my hairstyle~~^^
then turn my mum and muii haircut..... my muii hairstyle a bit like me~~hahax~
then 4++pm after we finish haircut pay money and go back home~~^^
and I also narcissistic to take photographs~~>////<
when I after hair changed to a very funny.....lolx~=.=
nevermind la~~hahahahax~~~^^
Yeah~~~tomorrow I had go pasarmalam~~^^
long time no go lu~~~Happy-INg~~
and want buy materials to cook pasta nxt time~~^^
I want sleep jor~~~
Good night~~~~
